Category: Uncategorized

Improving Government Relations

The role of government relations in the renewables industry

Our Managing Director, Paul Beijer participated in the latest episode of Conversations on Climate with Christopher Caldwell, founder of United Renewables, who produced the series in collaboration with the London Business School Alumni Energy Club. The series explores perspectives on the global climate crisis through interviews with leading experts in their fields. In this episode…
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Why invest in government relations

Our managing director Paul Beijer sat down for a conversation with Peter Finnegan from Communiqué International. The two discussed why a professional Government Relations unit is worth investing in, and how to extract maximum value for the business. The complete video is available below. Posted on 13 July, 2022.

The Oil and Gas Business during the Energy Transition

The Government Relations Capabilities needed to win Introduction There is plenty of reason to think that the energy transition is accelerating. Shareholders and the judiciary forced International Oil Companies to lower emissions. We see them selling their dirtiest assets while investing in renewable technologies. Investors have been piling into ESG funds for a while now.…
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Lines representin Government and Busiiness running together

Business can benefit from more Government

In our previous article, we concluded that overnight government became a more critical stakeholder to business due to the pandemic. The way governments reacted to the crisis has been subject to extensive analysis and critique by the public, experts, politicians and the media. This article will not engage in that debate. However, we noticed that…
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