Improving Government Relations

What dilemmas are you facing?

The GRPA functional leader

What you do: You run the Public Affairs or Government Relations function in an ever-changing environment. Just like the other functions supporting the business – HR, Finance, Legal and IT – you look to do so in the most (cost) effective way.

Things you ask yourself: How effective is GRPA at fulfilling its role? How can we maximize the value our function brings to the business and demonstrate that we do so? And how can we minimize the associated risk, including the risk of non-compliance? How can we be sure that we remain aligned with the business throughout the business cycle? And see to it that GRPA constantly sharpens its ability to help safeguard the long-term future of the company? 

The Board member or advisor

What you do: You run the business or you have an oversight role in or advisory role to the Board. You rely on the Audit committee to provide assurance against agreed company standards or you are putting a team together to advise your client on strategic challenges. 

Things you ask yourself: What assurance do we have that GRPA is fulfilling its role effectively? Who knows what the relevant standards are to test this function’s performance against? How do we know whether GRPA properly manages risk and reward in what is a sensitive operating theatre? And how do we decide which interventions will safeguard or increase the contribution of this group of professionals to the business?

The M&A Transactions Consultant

What you do:  You support corporate clients as they change their portfolio by buying and selling businesses and assets. You conduct buyer’s and seller’s due diligence and advise accordingly.

What you ask yourself when supporting a buyer is:  What if the value of the entity in question is dependent to a large extent on the relationships with local government? How do I know what good looks like? What if the target’s assets are in countries the buyer and us are unfamiliar with?

What you ask yourself when supporting a seller is:  What if the business being carved out is in an industry that is heavily regulated and needs an instantly effective Government Relations and Public Affairs team that the seller cannot offer the buyer in the sale? How would we limit the discount the buyer may claim?


You require a rapid assessment of the state of affairs of the Government Relations or Public Affairs function. We come in on short notice and provide you with an in-depth analysis in a matter of weeks.

How do we identify improvement opportunities for your GRPA function? Click below to learn about our GRPA Maturity Model.

GRPA Maturity Model


You are looking for help to define the vision, mission, ambition and roadmap to bring the Government Relations or Public Affairs function from ‘good to great’.

A strategic roadmap to achieve the outcomes you need would typically take a few months.

Typical clients are Government Relations or Public Affairs Directors responsible for the function or CEOs or other executives with the GRPA functions in their portfolio.


You need guidance and leadership to execute the desired projects in your organization and ensure the change is implemented.  We help you create a team of internal and external experts (from our network and yours) to set up a program office within your organization and implement the change.

Depending on your requirements, this Program Office would be managed by your own staff or by us.

The GR-IQ Five Lenses Methodology

GR-IQ’s unique comprehensive analysis methodology uses data to generate a roadmap for your Government Relations function.

Five Lenses

Professionalism & Competence

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Planning & Analysis

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Governance & Organization

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Processes & Tools

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Leadership & Culture

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Government Relations & Public Affairs (GRPA) Maturity Model

Most companies understand that having mutually beneficial and ethical relationships with (non-market) external stakeholders allows them to enhance their reputation, acquire influence, create value and mitigate risk. 

However, reaching the optimum level of engagement is often the result of trial and error. A slow and potentially costly process. What if you could measure and visualize the level of performance your company operates at today and contrast it with what would be appropriate? What if you could present the data and analysis to convince senior leaders to invest in the GRPA function?

We have defined the drivers of excellence in the GRPA profession and mapped out the GRPA practices that are out-dated, standard and world-class. Our assessment tool Phōs shows you at what level of maturity you are operating today and what level you should aspire to. We published about it in 2024. Ask for the publication or request a demo! 

Interested? Contact us!

Typical Industries

Industries where our services add most value share a number of characteristics:

– Owners and developers of physical assets for the long-term
– Active in most regions or globally
– Considering the host government their partner
– Adding significant value to local economies

Think of the oil and gas, chemicals, mining, utilities, transport and building sectors and their suppliers and service providers. We believe our approach can also benefit pharmaceuticals, banking and technology sectors. 

Why rely on GR-IQ?

GR-IQ was founded by Paul Beijer who earned his spurs in close to twenty-five years of extensive corporate management experience. Prior to GR-IQ, Paul was Vice-President of Government Relations at Royal Dutch Shell, where he was responsible for Strategy, Planning and Assurance. Through his work, Paul guided the strengthening and professionalization of the GR function. He is credited with helping create the backbone for one of the most influential groups of corporate diplomats in the world.

Before Paul’s work in GR, he held senior Strategy, Finance and Risk management positions across Shell’s businesses, based in the Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom and Germany. He worked with over 40 different nationalities and has access to a wide and deep network of professionals across the globe. 

Paul earned his MBA degree at Groningen University (1994) and more recently completed executive programs at IESE (2019), Erasmus Governance Institute (2019), INSEAD (2011), IMD (2005), London Business School (2004) and Kellogg (2000).

Paul’s focus and passion is to bring strategy, structure and process to a people- and relationship-oriented field in the context of global affairs. 

About Government Relations and Public Affairs

Government Relations and Public Affairs professionals play multiple roles, translating developments in business to governments and explaining the realities of government to business. The best GRPA professionals create value on that intersection.

How the renewables industry can influence the regulatory framework

The energy transition is on an irreversible trajectory. The world has confirmed it will move away from hydrocarbons as a source of energy @COP28. Regulations are pivoting to favour blue[…]

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The Oil and Gas Business during the Energy Transition

The government relations capabilities needed to win Introduction There is plenty of evidence that the energy transition is accelerating. Shareholders and the judiciary forced International Oil Companies to lower emissions.[…]

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Changing Chemicals

Implications and solutions for Government Relations teams Investments in the Chemicals industry used to deliver solid returns over the long-run. In the Bulk Chemicals business for example, access to low-cost[…]

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Collaborating with GR-IQ

Principles of engagement


The work you undertake is as confidential as it is important. We adopt the highest standards of integrity to protect what we learn.


We tap into a global network of partners, including government relations professionals, public affairs firms and diplomats.


We engage with the most senior leaders in your company and provide the detail and evidence you need to make decisions.


To embed the approaches we design, you get off-the-shelf solutions where possible and bespoke solutions where needed.


The conversations you have often occured face to face. We can still build rapport and work alongside you on a virtual basis.


We listen to what is said as much as to what isn’t. Our years of working in global teams taught us what to look for.

Contact us

Please reach out to us to start a strictly confidential conversation.